⇦ | paratext-7.6 [main]

Hints for paratext-7.6 in main

paratext ⚙ amd64


  • missing-desktop-file
    Found an AppStream upstream XML file, but the associated .desktop file is missing. This often happens when the .desktop file is renamed, but the <id/> tag of the AppStream metainfo file is not adapted as well, or if the metainfo file is located in a different package than the .desktop file.
    Please fix the packaging or work with upstream to resolve this issue.

paratext.desktop ⚙ amd64


  • metainfo-duplicate-id
    The component-id 'paratext.desktop' already appeared in package 'paratext-7.4'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be providing this component by default.
    This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon.