SIL Linux Flatpak FieldWorks installation
SIL FieldWorks has been available for Linux via apt/deb software packages for Ubuntu and Wasta through version 20.04. For later versions of Ubuntu and Wasta-Linux, FieldWorks 9.0 is available via Flatpak packages. FieldWorks 9.1 is not available at this time.
The instructions below show how to enable access to the Flatpak FieldWorks package, uninstall FieldWorks apt/deb packages, and install the Flatpak FieldWorks package. Flatpak FieldWorks may work on other Linux distributions but is primarily tested on Ubuntu and Wasta.
Set up Flatpak in Ubuntu
Skip this if you are running Wasta, which already is set up for Flatpak.
How do I know if I am running Wasta or Ubuntu?
Add Flatpak to Ubuntu by doing the following.
Click Activitieshelp_outline and launch Terminal. For each of the following commands, click the copy icon to copy the command to your clipboard, right-click in your Terminal window, click Paste, and press Enterhelp_outline. When prompted, type your password and press Enter.
These commands will install Flatpak and enable access to the Flathub software repository.
Log out or reboot, to help your system see and use Flatpak (such as showing installed Flatpak software in your programs list).
Your system is now configured to access Flatpak packages. But you still need to install the FieldWorks Flatpak package, and uninstall the FieldWorks apt/deb packages, if applicable.
Uninstall FieldWorks apt/deb packages
If FieldWorks is already installed from as an apt/deb package, uninstall it. Why?
In Wasta
Uninstall FieldWorks 9.0 or 9.1 in Wasta-Linux by doing the following.
- Launch Software Manager.help_outline
- In Software Manager, search by entering
- In the list of software, click Fieldworks-enc-converters.help_outline
- Click Removehelp_outline. Click Continue. Enter your password when prompted.
Alternatively, the command line instructions for Ubuntu will also work in Wasta.
In Ubuntu
Uninstall FieldWorks 9.0 or 9.1 in Ubuntu by doing the following.
Click Activitieshelp_outline and launch Terminal. For the following command, click the copy icon to copy the command to your clipboard, right-click in your Terminal window, click Paste, and press Enterhelp_outline. When prompted, type your password and press Enter.
This command will uninstall the FieldWorks apt/deb packages.
Install FieldWorks Flatpak package
FieldWorks is available as a Flatpak package from the Flathub software repository.
In Wasta
Install FieldWorks in Wasta-Linux by doing the following.
- Launch Software Manager.help_outline
- In Software Manager, search by entering
- In the list of software, click FieldWorks Language Explorer.help_outline
- Click Installhelp_outline. Click Continue.
Alternatively, the command line instructions for Ubuntu will also work in Wasta.
In Ubuntu
Install FieldWorks in Ubuntu by doing the following.
Click Activitieshelp_outline and launch Terminal. For the following command, click the copy icon to copy the command to your clipboard, right-click in your Terminal window, click Paste, and press Enterhelp_outline.
This command will install the FieldWorks Flatpak package.
More information
View SIL Linux Flatpak software instructions.
View instructions for accessing and installing apt/deb software and fonts.
View the catalog of SIL software and fonts.
Download SIL software for Windows.